Friday, December 4, 2009

Follow me

Your idea of a god seems so absurd to me
I can't comprehend willingly being brain washed

Your hands clasp as your knees are bent,
You feel weak so you pray
bless me father and keep me safe today

Bless me father for i have sinned
Bless me father

Get down on your knees
and pray that he does not strike you down

Dear lord keep me safe today
Dear lord give me faith
for i am weak minded

i always said i wouldn't be controlled
but now I need you.

you open up a bible
When you should open up a science book

I am the fear you have always imagined
i will control your mind through love and lies
I will control your mind through false prophets
and devil cries

you are dead
you died when you took your last breath
you are no prophet of mine

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sweet Leaf

Marijuana, also known as; Cannabis, Ganja, Pot, weed, along with numerous other names, is a substance that is extracted from the Cannabis Sativa plant. Marijuana is one of the most commonly used illegal substances. Regardless of legal status, there are two very different stand points on this natural plant. A large number of people believe that Weed is an extremely harmful drug, however others like myself, believe that it is a tremendously helpful drug. Marijuana has a very long and complicated history of illegal status. Studying the facts and truths about this controversial drug will allow us to then make accurate opinions if we believe this drug should be illegal or legal.
Marijuana is often thought to be a very harmful and negative substance. For years people have been claiming that marijuana is a negative substance for your health. Marijuana is believed to change and alter your mind. It is a psychoactive drug that many people are taught is very damaging to your health and physical well-being. The drug gives the user a somewhat euphoric feeling. People claim that because 'Weed' has an effect on the brain then it is automatically a negative effect that is harming your brain's functionality. The most well known side effect of marijuana is short-term memory loss. Unlike any of the side effects that I've stated this one is the only factual, scientifically proven side effect. While being intoxicated by 'Pot', a person is vulnerable to forget things. However this is only temporarily. There is no proof of long-term memory loss. Marijuana can also impair your driving. After being intoxicated by the drug, the user will be impaired and will not be functioning properly to drive. He will not be capable of safely driving by not being able to stay in a lane or correctly read traffic signs. In addition to being too intoxicated to drive, there is also research that shows that marijuana causes cancer if regularly used. When the smoke is entered into the lungs and held in, it comes into contact with the lung tissue, therefore irritating them and damaging how they function. There are numerous arguments that defend the argument that Marijuana is a dangerous substance and should remain illegal. Nonetheless we need to learn both sides of the argument to have a valid reasoning for what we believe.
I believe that Marijuana is greatly misconstrued. Marijuana is a drug that produces substantially positive effects. I have done personal experiments with the drug. I have a condition called Anxiety. When I am put in an uncomfortable, frustrating or overwhelming environment I will be vulnerable to having an anxiety attack. Marijuana treated my Anxiety by calming me, relaxing my muscles and allowing me to breathe and properly evaluate a situation without being overwhelmed, therefor stopping me from suffering an anxiety or panic attack. There are a large number of medical conditions that Marijuana treats. The statement that Marijuana can cause cancer is completely false. In fact, Marijuana has been proven to slow down cancer cells from growing and in some cases, it has even numbed and destroyed cancerous tumors in the lungs. Cannabis Sativa is a plant that has the widest range of medicinal uses. However, not only do I argue that Marijuana should be used for medicine but it should also be used for personal, recreational use. Pot is a drug that thousands of Americans use every single day. The users range from regular construction workers to business executives. The most commonly talked about personality of a pot smoker is a person that is very dirty, very slow, and somewhat out of it. This is a very misinterpreted idea of someone who smokes Marijuana. Because there are thousands of Marijuana consumers, there are going to be very different types of people the are using this drug. While there are in fact some people that are 'burn outs', there are also very responsible people who consume Marijuana. Pot does not make people crazy or insane. It does not kill brain cells and does not make people less intelligent. There have been studies that show Marijuana stimulated brain cells to grow and expand. Unfortunately once these studies were sent to the U.S. Government they were lost. Most of the claims that are made about Marijuana are usually false. Society has been fooled into thinking that this is a very dangerous substance, when in reality it is one of the best natural herbs known to man. As I stated earlier, the Cannabis Sativa plant in which THC is found in, is a plant that contains the most diverse uses than any other studied plant. Cannabis Sativa has been used for hundreds of years. Some of it's uses are for fiber, hemp, medicine, and even clothing. It seems as though we are afraid to study and research this plant simply because there is such a wide range of uses. When I was in grade school I remember countless times where we would have discussions on saying no to drugs. We would be lectured on how Marijuana along with other controlled substances are very harmful and dangerous. Instead of letting us discuss the good and bad sides of drugs, we were automatically subjected to the “say no to drugs” mindset. Without talking about Marijuana and researching every aspect of it, one person cannot simply say that it is bad and anyone who uses it should be in jail. Most people do not know the real reasons Marijuana is illegal.
Marijuana was made illegal in the early 1900s. The first state to outlaw Pot was Utah, after it had made it's way into the state. This was because the strong Mormon population had frowned upon it, along with alcohol and cigarettes. Shortly after Weed was outlawed in Utah, other states began doing the same. Because of how fast Marijuana use was growing, and how little the government knew about it, the only sensible thing to do was make it illegal. The war on drugs came about in 1969 by President Nixon. There are rumors the he began punishing Marijuana users due to the protesting of the Vietnam war. He found a way to eradicate protesters by arresting them for smoking Marijuana. Today, Marijuana is still illegal in most states. However in some states such as California and even our own state, New Mexico, has passed laws allowing persons with medical issues and disabilities to obtain and use Marijuana through prescriptions and referrals by and authorized doctor. Recently President Obama passed a law stating that federal marijuana laws should not contradict with state Marijuana laws. Meaning that the federal government will no longer prosecute Marijuana dispensaries, doctors, and patients.
Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug. Alcohol and Tobacco together, kill about 480,000 people a year. Alcohol and Tobacco are both legal substances. Marijuana, Pot, Weed, or whatever you'd like to call it, has never killed anyone. Not a single person has ever had an overdose of Marijuana. In fact, it is actually virtually impossible to overdose by smoking Marijuana. Until we can get past the stereotype and false beliefs that Marijuana is a dangerous drug, we will always be ignorant to what is an extremely healthy plant. Marijuana should be able for adults to use legally, and responsibly. Marijuana is a healthy substance. Only by researching and educating yourself about this plant, will you then understand the lies and false accusations society and the government have instilled in mainstream beliefs.

Let you know

It's about this time of night when I listen to really... sad music and think about weird stuff. I know I know. All I want to tell you is that I love you. I wanted you to feel my breath and tell me if you can hear it. But really if there is any way that I can bring you my way, I'd promise you wouldn't regret it.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I don't know if I've ever seen this place before.
But what I do know is that I've seen you before.
I've seen what you do to me and how you make my emotions tangible. I realize the world within me. this does not come so easily if you have your head down. Look around and see. your mind is strong and you are capable. I never thought I'd see this side of you. Grasp on to a branch and don't be afraid to taste the feeling.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"This was the year when the courts made the decision to add some years to our wait. and how can we not, when forbidden bedfellows got together to make sure girls who love girls and boys who love boys won't have the same right that they give bigots and murderers.

Now, i'm not trying to make you sad, but that's a right i don't want to have have at all. i'm sorry that's a right i don't want to have. i don't want to have. no. i don't want to have. no, the wait won't be bad.

No, the wait won't be bad-it won't be bad. keep this as an i.o.u. on a day with downed power i'm just thinking of ways i can sleep better at night-and i'll always be sleeping next to you.
I'm not changing the world, i know. i'm just doing what i think is right, and when the laws change so will the way we pay our taxes. i'm just doing what i think is right."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Valerie Sirico

This girl is amazing. She is one of my best friends and I could not handle a day where I didn't hear "I'm down, I don't give a fuck". I took this picture because I was helping her make a fake I.D. We didn't end up using this picture, but I still liked how it came out. I probably care way more about her than you. Just sayin'.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

these words cannot be made simple.
i am not the right one to be delivering this message
but i am the right one here.
i feel as though we are and always will be.
you say you have a good grip on reality
but honestly what is reality.
we will all travel through our minds
searching for where we belong
but if we were put where we didn't belong in the first place then how would we survive. we have to adapt and we have to love. pick your head up, look around and breathe in. this is not reality, this is life.
this is active thoughts.

I never want to be put into the position of deciding. choosing paths and responsibilities. there is not right and wrong, only consequences.

I can't explain how i feel. because there are not words for feelings there are only actions and lifestyles. i don't want to understand.
I just want to live.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cover your eyes.

I've been in a pretty weird mood the past couple days. I feel like everything is so steady right now that I'm getting uncomfortable with it. There haven't been any shows for a few weeks and I haven't been able to hang out with my friends much due to school. I love class, and I love the work, but there is just so much. Every night I have a ton of homework and on two nights outta the week i have classes. I know it's college and all but damn. It's definitely starting to take it's toll on me. I need a few days off and time to think/sleep.
I've also been seriously thinking about seriously going into cinematography. I love movies, and I love good with movies that are not only acted well and have the great stars but I love the movies that are visually stunning. I have so many ideas for shots and camera angles. We'll see. Hopefully next semester i'll be taking Photography I and some Cinematography.

I need to get out and take some pictures.

Friday, September 25, 2009

How you be.

I haven't posted in a few days. I've been super busy with school. I have had paper after paper after math assignment after paper. I finally realize just how much work you get as a college student. It's pretty overwhelming. However I've officially been in college for one month. Weird.

I don't know.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Friday, September 11, 2009

Holding On To Nothing

I haven't posted in a few days. I've been somewhat busy (with class and sleeping). School has taken so much energy out of me. Knowing how much sleep I should be getting I am still ignoring it. I go to bed at around three thirty almost every single night and it is really effecting my ability to function/stay awake in class. I do not want to start drinking coffee regular because last time I did that I got pretty addicted to it. Lame.

It is september 11th 2009. The anniversary of September 11th 2001. It's so weird to think that I wasn't even ten years old when "nine eleven" happened, yet I remember it so vividly. No matter what really happened, so many people died and it will always be remember as one of the worst tragedies in American history.

Today was weird. The whole day I just felt somewhat out of place with everything. I felt like I wasn't where I actually was. Reality did not wake up with me this morning and it didn't wake up the whole day. I had been planning this day for awhile. My friends usually party hard as fuck for Zozobra, but this year something was wrong. My parents were being weird, and my dad was being depressed and feeling sorry for himself. That put me in such a weird mood and basically made me not want to go to Zozobra. It didn't matter because my mom wasn't going to let me use the car and it was raining pretty hard so I didn't want to catch a bus. Fuck it. There's always next year.

I hung out with my friend Sami on sunday night. She's rad.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Worker bees can leave.
Even drones can fly away,
The queen is their slave.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Night Vision

Some days I feel like I'm stuck in my head and that my physical being is completely numb to everything else. If that makes sense. Sometimes I feel like while I'm doing daily things, I don't realize what is really going on, because of the fact that I'm in my head too much. Today was one of those days.

I went to bed around 3:30 last night, and woke up at 7 to take my mom to work. I was really fucking tired. I went to pick up Anton, and then we went back to my house to do some shit before I had to take him to school. After I dropped him off, I went home and got ready for my Business Math class. I was unbearably tired and almost fell asleep in class. Bad idea. I need to stop being a child, and go to bed a decent hour. After class ended I went home, and passed the fuck out, 'til 3 when I got a call to go pick up my mom. We got home and she made me dinner, then I got ready for my American Film class.

I have a night class on Wednesday that is American Film History. The point of this class is to study how the American film industry was founded and developed and all the things that shaped the way "Hollywood" is today. Right off the bat this class was starting to rule. We started off reading the syllabus and getting familiar with the material we will be studying in the coming sixteen weeks. When we finished going over the material, my teacher began talking about "motion photography" and how it developed into cinema. This was sooo interesting. He explained that silent films started out from motion photography and were silent basically because actors in the '20s sucked and had awful voices for the screen etc. I am beyond stoked for this class, and already I'm interested in taking more film classes. Maybe Intro to Film? Hmmm.

Again & Again

First few photos I edited using my Macbook.


P.s. iMovie rules

Untitled from Miguel Chavez on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Olive Hearts

I started college yesterday. I went to my first class at noon, which was Business Math. My teacher, Greg Dye, is a pretty laid back and chill guy. Already into my first class I knew exactly that is was NOT high school. At all. Everyone was quite and polite and no one acted like they needed the spotlight on themselves. It's so sick.

After my first class, a friend of mine and I walked around the school for a while in search of our other classes. As I was walking around I freaked my shit due to TONS of people everywhere. Goddamnit, I hate anxiety. So I left, picked up Anton, and we did what we do best. Hah. We're at my house, "hanging out" when the door bell rings. It could only be one thing. I get stoked as fuck, greet the post man, and then he says "wait, is there anyone 18 here to sign for the package?" FUCK MY LIFE. That was such bullshit. I couldn't sign for MY package, that clearly said MY name on it. I even had my fucking I.D. out. Fuck. The temptation. My brand new computer was right in sight and I couldn't fucking grab it.

So I waited a couple hours, picked up my mother from work and we went to pick it up.
What the fuck. I could a Macbook Pro 15" screen in the fucking mail from my very generous uncle. Wow. This is the first time I've own my own computer, and the first time I've owned a MAC. AHHHHH. So stoked. I'm gonna be learning this computer for a longggg time.

I have my English class for the first time in like an hour and a half. I'm pretty stoked, I actually really like English. Let's see how this goes.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Went to pee in an Albertsons bathroom last night. I was delighted to see this written in one of the stalls.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Slow Down

Today is the last day of summer vacation. Granted, I am in college now and school hours are very different and I'll be spending a lot less time at school, I'm still bummed. This summer was rad as fuck and now it's time that I continue my plan of going to college early.
I got my text books yesterday. I bought four of the six that I need and the four that I did buy cost me around $130. What the fuck. I am still missing one more English book that costs around $70 and a math book that's around $50. But skimming through the books gets me even more stoked for school. I hope I can keep up with how fast paced everything is.
I helped my favorite teacher fix her class today. I made $30 and she needs me to help out again tomorrow. I'm stoked.
I got four rolls of film developed. I keep forgetting how much I love film and then when I finally get rolls developed I get fucking stoked on it all over again. The photos below are some photos from a disposable camera I took on tour, and a roll of fisheye pictures.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brain Damage

If I were a good man, I'd understand

Last night I had the house to myself. My parents left early Monday morning to help my brother move back into his dorm at NMSU. My friends and I were bored so we decided to eat some mushrooms. Magic mushrooms. The night was off. By 11:30 we were well into our peak, and damn. This time around I didn't hallucinate much at all, but I did have a really sweet mind trip. It calmed and settled me and let me realize why again I do the things I do, mainly, school. As I lay on a sleeping bag outside and stared at the clouds/stars, I kept thinking about why I made the decision to get my GED instead of finish high school. Stoked. After a good deal of mixed emotions through the night, it ended with my friends and I watching Knocked Up at 2 in the morning. So stoked. I fell asleep around 5, while Anton and I were watching Se7en, then woke up again around 8 and moved into my bed. Good fucking night. We both woke up around 11 and I took Anton home, then came home and went back to sleep 'til 3.

Now my parents are back and are already getting on my fucking nerves. Goddamnit I hate this fucking place. I need to get out of here or I will fucking fist fight my dad. Anyway, I'm ready for school, All I need now are my books and some supplies, and hopefully a new computer. I am stoked.

P.S. The new converge track rules. Fuck everything. I'm seeing them in November, and I will fucking die.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I forget how much my friends rule. Driving around town doing nothing is so sick with friends. Getting a pizza, hanging and playing ps3 while drinking cokes. So rad. I'm glad to be home, but i still wanna be on tour. I wanna travel again. I wanna take pictures of things I don't see every day. Oh well.
P.S. Getting a girls number is way overrated.
Shit can wait.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Blue Soul

I went on tour with Dead Hours last week. It was fucking ridicously and I can't remember anything from it, except for the fact that I got to see/take pictures of Iron Age. So sick. Not only did I get to see them, but right before their set, Ribz, the bass player, smoke me out in the green room at Chain Reaction. Fuck my life. So stoked.
Iron Age rules.
Go check out the other pictures I took of them, here.

It's Tearing Our Bones

Everything is changing again, or actually just going back to the norm. Summer is ending, therefore everyone is going back to school. This summer had so much potential. It was supposed to be one to remember, and even though it definitely is, it unfolded very differently then i expected. So many lost relationships. Your best friend turning into a materialistic fiend. And not seeing your other bestfriends enough. Bummed. But I traveled a bunch, slept a bunch, and smoked this summer away. It went by fast, and now it's time to settle down and start school. But this time it is different. I am in college now, and I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I feel like I cheated the system, but yet on paper I do have the correct credentials to legitimately be in college now. Fuck it. Let's see what happens. I'm taking 5 classes and 3 of which are basics. I have a weird feeling I'm in too far over my head and I'm just gonna flunk out of college and then my future will turn into shit. But I'll do my best.
Summer starting, summer ending, we're all doomed 'til death.

Living and dying is easy.

The majority of the time I don't know what I'm doing.
This is a new blog. I will be writing thoughts I have.
It is not a photo blog. But will have photos.