Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Olive Hearts

I started college yesterday. I went to my first class at noon, which was Business Math. My teacher, Greg Dye, is a pretty laid back and chill guy. Already into my first class I knew exactly that is was NOT high school. At all. Everyone was quite and polite and no one acted like they needed the spotlight on themselves. It's so sick.

After my first class, a friend of mine and I walked around the school for a while in search of our other classes. As I was walking around I freaked my shit due to TONS of people everywhere. Goddamnit, I hate anxiety. So I left, picked up Anton, and we did what we do best. Hah. We're at my house, "hanging out" when the door bell rings. It could only be one thing. I get stoked as fuck, greet the post man, and then he says "wait, is there anyone 18 here to sign for the package?" FUCK MY LIFE. That was such bullshit. I couldn't sign for MY package, that clearly said MY name on it. I even had my fucking I.D. out. Fuck. The temptation. My brand new computer was right in sight and I couldn't fucking grab it.

So I waited a couple hours, picked up my mother from work and we went to pick it up.
What the fuck. I could a Macbook Pro 15" screen in the fucking mail from my very generous uncle. Wow. This is the first time I've own my own computer, and the first time I've owned a MAC. AHHHHH. So stoked. I'm gonna be learning this computer for a longggg time.

I have my English class for the first time in like an hour and a half. I'm pretty stoked, I actually really like English. Let's see how this goes.

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