Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Night Vision

Some days I feel like I'm stuck in my head and that my physical being is completely numb to everything else. If that makes sense. Sometimes I feel like while I'm doing daily things, I don't realize what is really going on, because of the fact that I'm in my head too much. Today was one of those days.

I went to bed around 3:30 last night, and woke up at 7 to take my mom to work. I was really fucking tired. I went to pick up Anton, and then we went back to my house to do some shit before I had to take him to school. After I dropped him off, I went home and got ready for my Business Math class. I was unbearably tired and almost fell asleep in class. Bad idea. I need to stop being a child, and go to bed a decent hour. After class ended I went home, and passed the fuck out, 'til 3 when I got a call to go pick up my mom. We got home and she made me dinner, then I got ready for my American Film class.

I have a night class on Wednesday that is American Film History. The point of this class is to study how the American film industry was founded and developed and all the things that shaped the way "Hollywood" is today. Right off the bat this class was starting to rule. We started off reading the syllabus and getting familiar with the material we will be studying in the coming sixteen weeks. When we finished going over the material, my teacher began talking about "motion photography" and how it developed into cinema. This was sooo interesting. He explained that silent films started out from motion photography and were silent basically because actors in the '20s sucked and had awful voices for the screen etc. I am beyond stoked for this class, and already I'm interested in taking more film classes. Maybe Intro to Film? Hmmm.

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