Saturday, August 29, 2009

Worker bees can leave.
Even drones can fly away,
The queen is their slave.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Night Vision

Some days I feel like I'm stuck in my head and that my physical being is completely numb to everything else. If that makes sense. Sometimes I feel like while I'm doing daily things, I don't realize what is really going on, because of the fact that I'm in my head too much. Today was one of those days.

I went to bed around 3:30 last night, and woke up at 7 to take my mom to work. I was really fucking tired. I went to pick up Anton, and then we went back to my house to do some shit before I had to take him to school. After I dropped him off, I went home and got ready for my Business Math class. I was unbearably tired and almost fell asleep in class. Bad idea. I need to stop being a child, and go to bed a decent hour. After class ended I went home, and passed the fuck out, 'til 3 when I got a call to go pick up my mom. We got home and she made me dinner, then I got ready for my American Film class.

I have a night class on Wednesday that is American Film History. The point of this class is to study how the American film industry was founded and developed and all the things that shaped the way "Hollywood" is today. Right off the bat this class was starting to rule. We started off reading the syllabus and getting familiar with the material we will be studying in the coming sixteen weeks. When we finished going over the material, my teacher began talking about "motion photography" and how it developed into cinema. This was sooo interesting. He explained that silent films started out from motion photography and were silent basically because actors in the '20s sucked and had awful voices for the screen etc. I am beyond stoked for this class, and already I'm interested in taking more film classes. Maybe Intro to Film? Hmmm.

Again & Again

First few photos I edited using my Macbook.


P.s. iMovie rules

Untitled from Miguel Chavez on Vimeo.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Olive Hearts

I started college yesterday. I went to my first class at noon, which was Business Math. My teacher, Greg Dye, is a pretty laid back and chill guy. Already into my first class I knew exactly that is was NOT high school. At all. Everyone was quite and polite and no one acted like they needed the spotlight on themselves. It's so sick.

After my first class, a friend of mine and I walked around the school for a while in search of our other classes. As I was walking around I freaked my shit due to TONS of people everywhere. Goddamnit, I hate anxiety. So I left, picked up Anton, and we did what we do best. Hah. We're at my house, "hanging out" when the door bell rings. It could only be one thing. I get stoked as fuck, greet the post man, and then he says "wait, is there anyone 18 here to sign for the package?" FUCK MY LIFE. That was such bullshit. I couldn't sign for MY package, that clearly said MY name on it. I even had my fucking I.D. out. Fuck. The temptation. My brand new computer was right in sight and I couldn't fucking grab it.

So I waited a couple hours, picked up my mother from work and we went to pick it up.
What the fuck. I could a Macbook Pro 15" screen in the fucking mail from my very generous uncle. Wow. This is the first time I've own my own computer, and the first time I've owned a MAC. AHHHHH. So stoked. I'm gonna be learning this computer for a longggg time.

I have my English class for the first time in like an hour and a half. I'm pretty stoked, I actually really like English. Let's see how this goes.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Went to pee in an Albertsons bathroom last night. I was delighted to see this written in one of the stalls.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Slow Down

Today is the last day of summer vacation. Granted, I am in college now and school hours are very different and I'll be spending a lot less time at school, I'm still bummed. This summer was rad as fuck and now it's time that I continue my plan of going to college early.
I got my text books yesterday. I bought four of the six that I need and the four that I did buy cost me around $130. What the fuck. I am still missing one more English book that costs around $70 and a math book that's around $50. But skimming through the books gets me even more stoked for school. I hope I can keep up with how fast paced everything is.
I helped my favorite teacher fix her class today. I made $30 and she needs me to help out again tomorrow. I'm stoked.
I got four rolls of film developed. I keep forgetting how much I love film and then when I finally get rolls developed I get fucking stoked on it all over again. The photos below are some photos from a disposable camera I took on tour, and a roll of fisheye pictures.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Brain Damage

If I were a good man, I'd understand

Last night I had the house to myself. My parents left early Monday morning to help my brother move back into his dorm at NMSU. My friends and I were bored so we decided to eat some mushrooms. Magic mushrooms. The night was off. By 11:30 we were well into our peak, and damn. This time around I didn't hallucinate much at all, but I did have a really sweet mind trip. It calmed and settled me and let me realize why again I do the things I do, mainly, school. As I lay on a sleeping bag outside and stared at the clouds/stars, I kept thinking about why I made the decision to get my GED instead of finish high school. Stoked. After a good deal of mixed emotions through the night, it ended with my friends and I watching Knocked Up at 2 in the morning. So stoked. I fell asleep around 5, while Anton and I were watching Se7en, then woke up again around 8 and moved into my bed. Good fucking night. We both woke up around 11 and I took Anton home, then came home and went back to sleep 'til 3.

Now my parents are back and are already getting on my fucking nerves. Goddamnit I hate this fucking place. I need to get out of here or I will fucking fist fight my dad. Anyway, I'm ready for school, All I need now are my books and some supplies, and hopefully a new computer. I am stoked.

P.S. The new converge track rules. Fuck everything. I'm seeing them in November, and I will fucking die.

Saturday, August 15, 2009


I forget how much my friends rule. Driving around town doing nothing is so sick with friends. Getting a pizza, hanging and playing ps3 while drinking cokes. So rad. I'm glad to be home, but i still wanna be on tour. I wanna travel again. I wanna take pictures of things I don't see every day. Oh well.
P.S. Getting a girls number is way overrated.
Shit can wait.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Blue Soul

I went on tour with Dead Hours last week. It was fucking ridicously and I can't remember anything from it, except for the fact that I got to see/take pictures of Iron Age. So sick. Not only did I get to see them, but right before their set, Ribz, the bass player, smoke me out in the green room at Chain Reaction. Fuck my life. So stoked.
Iron Age rules.
Go check out the other pictures I took of them, here.

It's Tearing Our Bones

Everything is changing again, or actually just going back to the norm. Summer is ending, therefore everyone is going back to school. This summer had so much potential. It was supposed to be one to remember, and even though it definitely is, it unfolded very differently then i expected. So many lost relationships. Your best friend turning into a materialistic fiend. And not seeing your other bestfriends enough. Bummed. But I traveled a bunch, slept a bunch, and smoked this summer away. It went by fast, and now it's time to settle down and start school. But this time it is different. I am in college now, and I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I feel like I cheated the system, but yet on paper I do have the correct credentials to legitimately be in college now. Fuck it. Let's see what happens. I'm taking 5 classes and 3 of which are basics. I have a weird feeling I'm in too far over my head and I'm just gonna flunk out of college and then my future will turn into shit. But I'll do my best.
Summer starting, summer ending, we're all doomed 'til death.

Living and dying is easy.

The majority of the time I don't know what I'm doing.
This is a new blog. I will be writing thoughts I have.
It is not a photo blog. But will have photos.